Have You Ever Wonder Why Someone Is Productive than you?
Well, let's face it, we all have one kind of a friend who is more productive, efficient and successful than us. He or she might be a student who has a good result in academic or might be your colleague who always praised by your boss.
What makes them different from us? We all got 24 hours, but yet they still manage to have a higher achieve then us. After some time, then you realize:
"The differences between me and these guys are, the way their use their time!"
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Credit to RescueTimeBlog Yes, Time. A way to maximize your best potential is the art of time management. Time management in a simple word is, how smart are you in organize and plan your time to do specific tasks. But, Wait...
Often there are two obstacles that block us to take actions, one is procrastination; another one is lack of motivation.
You know what should be done, you have set the objective clearly that would want to get this project done by next week. But we all know that, if it weren’t for the last minute, then we wouldn’t get anything done.
We often feel like motivated to get something done, well, that's only for few days,
as time goes by, we will feel empty in our mind and out of fuel to keep the tasks going and eventually, we don't even get the task done.
Learn from successful people
Credit to AZQuotes
One thing I have learned from Zig Ziglar, the great America motivational speaker is the great 7 steps goal setting system is that it make the goal more specific and more achievable in a long run.
I have summarized the 7 steps as follow: #1. Identify the goal.
The goal that we set must be very specific. If you want to be set a goal like "I want to be rich", that is not specific enough. A specific goal would be, "I want to increase my income by $200 every month."
#2. List the benefits - What's the benefit for me? Once you have set the goal, we would need to state down the benefit toward us. As the example above, "increase $200 every month", the benefits would be "save as emergency fund", "act as extra living expenses" and etc. #3. List the obstacle to overcome. Try to think out of the obstacles that prevent you to reach your goal. Listing it down would make you clear on how to overcome it. #4. List the skill and knowledge required. Knowledge gives us the ability to achieve our goal but could not do it without skill. Skills is the tool to make good use of our knowledge. Thus, it is important to write it down so that you would have a big picture on what skill or knowledge you are still lack of in order to achieve your goal. #5. Identify the people and groups to work with. Show me your friends, and I would show you your future. Pick the correct people or group will inspire you to achieve your goal as people do the better job as helping each other. #6. Develop a plan of action. You have a clear goal, now you would need to develop a series of the action plan. This is the critical part as it involves thinking in order to achieve your goal. #7. Set a deadline for achievement. If you don't set a deadline for the goal, then there is no point to develop the plan. A goal without a deadline is called a daydream as you don't take action to achieve it. Daily PlanAs the Zig Ziglar 7 steps are the long-term plan, I found out that a software developed by Derek Franklin called The Action Machine, helps us to accomplish our daily task more efficiently as the software using a concept called Timeboxing. The timeboxing details as below:1. Write down the things you would want to accomplish for the day. Just state down the things such as call for an appointment, do the assignment, feed the dog and etc to the software. 2. Assign a Specific time to the task. The time period from 15 minutes to 4 hours. 3. Select the task, start the time and focus on the task. Just left your phone, computer and other things that may distract you. Focus on the task at the hand. The amazing things regarding The Action Machine
#1. It Really Works!
The software breaks down the tasks into the achievable goal and it has a specific timeline or deadline to ensure the motivation to complete the task.
#2. Optimized the time spend
You would be shocked when you realized that you complete so many tasks in a day. The software also keeps track of history that the task you have done so that you can review back.
#3. The price of the software
The onetime cost of the product is $47 with other bonuses. If you don't feel satisfied with the product, there is a money back guarantee. So be confident that you have bought a fully functional product that serves the purpose properly.
Everyone has 24 hours, the only difference between people is the way they utilized their time. Time is precious and can not be bought, but we have the right to use its wisdom. As a wrap-up, try to focus on one thing at the time, remove the things that might cause the distraction to you. The Action Machine sure help you to focus and maximize your output for each day.
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